Would you trust Heather Lappin with your money?
The Pima County Sheriff’s Department operates with a budget of over $170,000,000. Would you trust her with your money? The proof is here. A history of bad financial decisions and poor choices. The documents below show that Heather Lappin has a history of taking what she wants but not wanting to pay for it. We cannot afford to let Lt. Heather Lappin bankrupt the Pima County Sheriff’s Department.
This site is not endorsed, funded or influenced by any political candidate in any way. The site owner and contributor is a private citizen and is not now, and has never been an employee of the PCSD or other law enforcement agency.
The documents that you see here were obtained legally through FOIA requests and Public Records.
Heather overstates expenses and judge says filing is abusive
Heather and Mark filed for Chapter 7 in 2005. The judge noted that they overstated expenses “significantly”. The judge then goes on to state that
2011 Chapter 7 Filing
Heather and Mark filed for Bankruptcy again in 2011, just 6 years after the first filing in 2005. In that time period however, they did
2005 Chapter 7 Full Document
The full version of the 2005 Chapter 7 Filing is here. Heather Lappin wants you to think that she filed bankruptcy because of medical bills.
Home Loan Modification 2022
Home Loan Modification requested in 2022, 2 years ago. At that point Heather Lappin was a Lieutenant with the Sheriff’s Department earning in excess of
Home Loan Modification 2019
A home loan modification (in default) requested in 2019. At the time of the filing, Heather was a Sergeant earning a minimum of $76,000 per
HOA Lien in 2022
A lien was placed against the house in 2022 for failing to pay HOA fees. You know what the HOA fees are when you buy